Managing Employee Commute Spending in the Hybrid Workplace
Mar 17, 2022
Shahed Abotouk
Marketing Coordinator
Commuting doesn’t look like it used to.
Accelerated by the pandemic, hybrid workplaces—and with them, multi-model commuting—have increasingly become the norm. From public transit to rideshare to shuttles, employees commute in varying ways—and most significantly, may change their preferred mode from day to day.
Now, employers must rethink how they facilitate employees’ travel to and from work. But how?
Enter flexible commuting, an approach that replaces outdated, rigid commuter amenities with data-driven, flexible programs financed through a simple spending card. The result maximizes commuter experiences for employees while simultaneously minimizing employer spending.
This white paper will consider how you can effectively adopt flexible commuting programs for your employees.
Download to learn about:
What flexible commuting looks like
How to leverage flexible spending
Making the switch from monthly to daily parking
How to use data to optimize flexible commuting programs
Plus interviews with the Commutifi Mobility Card developer, Head of Insights, and more...