Measuring Commuting Impact for Sustainability and Compliance (Without the Headache)
Apr 6, 2022
Zoë Randolph
Content Strategist

For years, companies and commercial real estate developers have tracked the environmental impact of facilities, company vehicles, and energy usage.
But another factor has become increasingly relevant: commuting.
Employee and tenant commutes are a major contributing factor to sustainability and compliance metrics. It matters how people travel and how far they come.
Static surveys and manual models are a fine place to start, but the only way to accurately measure the impact of commuting is to streamline the way you collect, analyze, and report on commutes.
Most companies prioritize better commute impact measurement for one of three reasons:
To hit internal sustainability goals
To reach certification requirements
To meet compliance requirements for regional regulation
In this eBook, we’ll cover the ins and outs of each, as well as what CRE and companies can do to better track and measure the impact of their commuters in order to meet their sustainability and compliance goals.